Dr. Strombom is an expert in applied microeconomics, industrial organization, and finance, and specializes in the application of quantitative and statistical techniques in complex business litigation matters. He consults with law firms, businesses, and government entities; prepares economic and financial analyses; and has provided expert testimony in over 100 legal and regulatory proceedings. Dr. Strombom has performed assessments of class certification, liability, loss causation, and damages issues in cases involving antitrust, breach of contract, ERISA, false advertising, intellectual property, labor and employment, product liability, securities, and general commercial disputes. Much of his professional work has focused on the health care sector, where he has evaluated the effects of health insurance reform on affordability and access, studied the pricing and claims payment practices of health insurers, and analyzed the competitive impact of mergers among health insurers, hospitals, and other providers. His experience includes work on behalf of the US Department of Justice, Securities and Exchange Commission, private health plans, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers. He has also conducted economic analyses evaluating the appropriateness of class treatment in numerous cases involving a range of products and markets, including health insurance and pharmaceuticals. In several recent pharmaceutical-related matters, including In re: Asacol Antitrust Litigation and In re: Wellbutrin XL Antitrust Litigation, he evaluated the role of PBMs in prescription drug markets and analyzed pharmaceutical claims data available to identify class members and determine economic impact and damages.