Jimmy Royer

Principal, Analysis Group
Jimmy Royer

Jimmy Royer

Principal, Analysis Group


Dr. Royer applies a broad range of quantitative tools to address client needs in data science, statistics, health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), finance, intellectual property, competition policy, and antitrust cases in the United States, Canada, and the EU. His recent work includes predicting the potential future onset of rare or undiagnosed conditions with machine learning models; predicting whether patents would be considered essential to technological standards if challenged in courts; valuing patents in the communications industry; evaluating damages related to product defects; analyzing investment guidelines in securities lending suits; addressing allegations of monopolization in major antitrust cases involving high technology firms; and supporting many academic experts on mutual fund market timing and excess fee cases. In addition, Dr. Royer has conducted extensive academic research and coauthored books and papers on topics such as using new AI advances in HEOR; predicting treatment resistance in tuberculosis; using machine learning algorithms in propensity score models; measuring the impact of employee stock option backdating on shareholders’ wealth; analyzing mutual fund pricing; analyzing antitrust limit pricing; valuing private investments for hospitals in Canada; determining the impact of hypertension therapies on mortality; and comparing unemployment compensation in different countries.

Bio last updated in June 2021.

Session by Jimmy Royer